Ouistreham Riva-Bella has many facets: a fishing and sailing port, a seaside resort, a dynamic town and a D-Day beach. Discover the must-sees in Ouistreham.

Top 4 must-see sites in Ouistreham Riva-Bella

The town of Ouistreham

Eglise Saint-Samson, Ouistreham

The town of Ouistreham was built just a stone’s throw from the sea. Its name comes from the etymology: Oyster and ham which means “village of oysters”. A sign of its power at the time was the Church of St Samson, built in the 12th century, whose many ex-votos can be admired. Inside, two sublime contemporary stained glass windows refer to the D-Day landings of June 1944. The other symbol of Ouistreham’s power is its important Grange aux Dîmes dating from the 13th century.

The fishing and marina port

Des produits frais et de saison au marché aux poissons de Ouistreham

The Ouistreham Riva-Bella fish market is a real institution. Every morning, you can go to the fish market to enjoy the fish and seafood of the day. From the inevitable scallop, to oysters, sea bass and Saint-Pierre.

Phare de Ouistreham

The red and white town guardian is a must-see in Ouistreham. The 38-metre high lighthouse can be visited in season. After climbing the 171 steps, there is a 360° panoramic view of the sea and the headland. A dream spot for a souvenir photo.

port de plaisance de Ouistreham

Located between the Caen Canal and the sea and the natural site of the Pointe du Siège, the marina enjoys an exceptional location. 70 moorings are reserved for visitors: the possibility of a stopover in this magnificent natural environment!

The seaside resort and its beach

Piscine du Thalazur de Ouistreham

As for the seaside resort, Ouistreham Riva-Bella is 5km of long white sandy beach, a thalassotherapy centre and a casino facing the sea. Winter and summer alike, it’s an opportunity to fill up on negative ions and minerals, which are good for your health and morale.

Cabines de plage au coucher du soleil à Ouistreham

On the beach side, it’s the pleasures of the seaside! Swimming, lounging, ice cream scooping, horseback riding on the beach, water activities… All with the iconic beach huts as a backdrop. At sunset, the pink and orange reflections of the sky transport us into a relaxing atmosphere.

Sword Beach

La Flamme à Ouistreham

Ouistreham is also one of the 5 beaches of the Normandy landings: Sword Beach. It is here that the soldiers of the Kieffer Commando landed on June 6th 1944. From the dragon’s teeth still present on the beach, to the commemorative monuments and the Great Bunker, the vestiges of the war are still present all along the pearly coast.

Major events in Ouistreham

Where we go to sea

All the activities and sites to visit in Ouistreham Riva-Bella

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