Sites, museum and places to visit

Sites, museum and places to visit

Want to discover Normandy? In Caen la mer, there are a number of exceptional museums...

Parks, gardens and natural areas

Parks, gardens and natural areas

The parks and gardens of Caen la Mer welcome you for a breath of fresh...

Visits and excursions

Visits and excursions

With a guide or on your own, classic or unusual, traditional or technological, there are...

leisure activities

leisure activities

An area rich in all kinds of offers to spice up and enliven your stay....

Walks and hikes

Walks and hikes

This is a nature lover's paradise. Discover the beautiful and varied landscapes during walks and...



Get some fresh air and try out our water sports activities for a weekend in...

The Sport in Caen la mer

The Sport in Caen la mer

In Caen la mer, sport is much more than just an activity : it is...

All ticketing

All ticketing

Book your visit, leisure activity or event place on our online booking site.

City Pass Caen la mer

City Pass Caen la mer

Discover or rediscover Caen la mer with our 24, 48 or 72 hour City Pass...