From the Roman era to D-Day via the Viking invasion, each of these periods has made its mark on Normandy and Caen-la-Mer. Set off in history’s footsteps : monuments, outstanding heritage and museums illustrate decisive events for the region’s identity.

A 1000 years old heritage

  • Our history is rich from Roman times to the Vikings invasions through to the D-Day Landings. Each of these periods has marked the face of Normandy and Caen la mer.
  • Founded in the 11th Century by William the Conqueror, Caen is home to exceptional architectural heritage. The two abbeys are masterpieces of Roman style and the ducal castle is considered one of the largest fortresses in Europe.
  • Caen flourished during the Renaissance : stately townhouses, half-timbered houses…

A land of memory and hidden treasures

  • Despite the tragic bombings of June 1944, Caen has conserved its historic architecture,
  • Caen’s diverse areas : The Vaugueux (medieval area), Saint Sauveur (represents 18th century urban planning), XIXe (the jardin des Plantes showcases bourgeois home of the 19th century), The reconstruction (is visible in many area as the Quatrans), The Presqu’île (a brand-new neighborhood in the city center).
  • From the Castle’s ramparts, it is easy to see how Caen got its other nickname : City of 100 Steeples.
  • Caen la mer, a land of remembrance with its Memorial de Caen, the must-see museum covering the Battle of Normandy and 20th century history. But also, Sword Beach, one of the five D-Day beaches, the Pegasus Bridge, the Hillman Fortified site
  • 4 seaside resorts with beach cabins, Belle Epoque Villas and the Ouistreham lighthouse

A rich history embodied and shared by local people today !