Normandy Trucks

1st Calvados truck rally in aid of the "Tous pour Enzo" association, and to help fit out the truck of Kevin, who wants to become a truck driver despite his handicap.

From June 22 to 23, there will be a trade fair for eco-responsible industrial vehicles adapted for people with reduced mobility, an employment forum and an awareness-raising event on the risks of driving heavy goods vehicles, organized by training centers, the DIR, the gendarmerie, the national police force, the fire department and the road safety association.

Don?t miss the election of the most beautiful truck at the end of the weekend! Refreshment bar and on-site catering (Saturday evening meal by prior arrangement)

Concert on Saturday evening with Eric Gaussen, singing trucker, followed by Tribute Nirvana and Tribute ACDC.

A truck show at the end of the evening!

Opening hours
Saturday: 10am ? 21h
Sunday: 10am ? 18h

Catering :
Les délices de la Janniére

Prices :
5? Saturday, 10am to 7pm
5? Sunday, 10am to 6pm
9? to attend the concert on Saturday evening
12? two-day weekend pass
Free for ? 10 year olds


On Saturday 22 June
Saturday Open from 10h to 21h
On Sunday 23 June
Sunday Open from 10h to 18h


Price Min. Max.
Base ratePour une journée 5€
Base ratePass week-end 2 jours 12€
Base rateConcert du samedi soir 9€
FreeMoins de 10 ans