Filt 1860 | visite d’entreprise

Visit the company Filt1860, labelled as a living heritage company, and discover its ancestral know-how.
Filt1860, has a simple mission; to make known and to develop the know-how of the French textile here and in the world thanks to their cords and nets manufactured in Normandy for more than 160 years!
Filt1860 is a human-sized team, a handcrafted production workshop, a preserved know-how, a good dose of optimism, audacity, will and good ideas that allow us today to export the image of the company and their products in more than 50 countries such as Korea, Japan, the United States or Russia!
Visit limited to 15 people.
On reservation online.


On Wednesday 15 May
Wednesday Open from 14h to 16h
On Monday 10 June
Monday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 21 June
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 12 July
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 13 September
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Wednesday 09 October
Wednesday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 25 October
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Wednesday 13 November
Wednesday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 22 November
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 06 December
Friday Open from 14h to 16h
On Friday 13 December
Friday Open from 14h to 16h


Price Min. Max.
Base rate 8€
Reduced ratePour les détenteurs d'une carte Trip Normand 7€

Availability and reservation