Caen à la sauce Orelsan

Deep down, I think the Earth is round for one good reason, after going around the world, all we want is to be home... You know Orelsan's lyrics by heart but do you know the rapper? The story behind the places that mark his life and artistic path?
The visit will look back at Orelsan's career and the close ties he has with the city of Caen. It will also be an opportunity to immerse oneself in his universe, his texts, and to discover how he too is a source of inspiration for other artists.
A visit proposed by Normandie Visite. The number of places being limited, reservation is essential.


On Saturday 11 May
Saturday Open from 10h to 11h


Price Min. Max.
Adult rateA partir de 19 ans 10€
Reduced ratePour les 10 à 18 ans inclus 7€
FreeMoins de 10 ans 0€

Availability and reservation